Posts Tagged ‘scene’

My local goth scene has the friendliest people I’ve ever met. Is it normal for people to be this affectionate at goth clubs?

I started going to dark dance nights in my city few months ago. Whenever people of all genders come up to me or I go up to someone to say hi, they typically want to shake my hand or hug. A couple people have gently held onto my hand after shaking it, and it seems normal for people to hold hands or hold onto each other’s shoulders or waists while talking. I’ve even received kisses on the cheek and seen others do it to each other, and it just seems totally normal here. People are very free with complimenting each other on makeup, outfits, etc, and I’ve never received so many compliments in my life.

Some people ask permission before doing any of this, some don’t, but it doesn’t seem to be done with ill intent either way. Outside these club settings, I wouldn’t let anyone get so friendly, but everyone here just seems so chill and happy, I don’t mind it and know I can speak up if I do.

I’m just wondering if this is normal everywhere? I remember someone a long time ago who claimed to be a regular at these things talking about how people at goth clubs weren’t friendly and to just keep to myself lest I give the impression I’m looking to hook up, but I’ve had the opposite experience so far. People even share difficult things they’re going through to strangers, and we all hug and try to reassure each other that things will be okay. There’s also a wonderful overlap between the goths and board gamers in my area, but the goths are more likely to exchange contact info and show up to hangouts than other people I’ve met at game events.

submitted by /u/GleamEyesLuxray
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Reddit’s Goth Community

this was like a week ago but i’m just beginning to dip my toes in the goth scene and i tried trad goth makeup for the first time! (he/him)

i know it’s not the best but i loved it, i hope to try again and experiment more! i need a white foundation and some better eyeliner/lipstick too lol

submitted by /u/archangelsgabriel
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Is the UK Goth scene smaller then it was 15-20 years ago?

Do you think the UK Goth scene is a lot smaller then it was in the 2000's and how do you think its changed?

submitted by /u/Traditional_Lock228
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Two Books that goes into detail about the Goth Scene in San Diego

Since my first time going to Sabbat back in 2022 to the newer Modern Wav events I am still genuinely surprised on how big the SD Goth Scene, I've made so many friends and while not Goth I enjoy everything from the Music to the Events to The People.

submitted by /u/No-Insect1138
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Reddit’s Goth Community

How can I find or get into my local goth scene?


For context I would consider myself a baby bat. I’ve been alternative for a while, recently diving into gothic fashion, music, literature, ect. While doing research I’ve seen a lot of people saying being involved in your local goth scene is important as well as supporting your local artist but, it’s been hard for me to find people and places to go. I also live in Las Vegas everything I seem to find is 21+ for the most part (I’m 20). Any help is appreciated:)

submitted by /u/candlelitcoffin
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Who do you think are currently the largest acts in the Goth scene?

When I say the largest acts, I mean who would you consider to be the modern day Sisters/Siouxie/Cure etc, bands that define the modern day goth scene?

submitted by /u/XTinnuviel-MorwenX
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Reddit’s Goth Community

goth scene in NC?? It feels so lonely out here :’(

I’m a baby bat looking to connect with my local goth scene but it seems there isn’t really any out here? The closest city to me is Charlotte and even that’s quite far away. I’m unsure of how I’d go about connecting with folks irl. Anyone else out here?

submitted by /u/spectrex205
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Reddit’s Goth Community

I want to get into the scene but I’m Autistic

Mainly, I really want to meet like-minded people. I've been listening to the music forever but I've never met anyone else who likes it irl. I'm really bad at making friends so I've been looking into local events, but I have sensory and social issues that make clubs and concerts pretty unenjoyable.

I want friends that like the same things as me, but idk where to go or what to do or if I'll be a buzzkill for not wanting to go to loud events. Any words of wisdom?

submitted by /u/Chelydraaserpentinaa
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Reddit’s Goth Community

Would it be possible to get makeup and outfit advice? Trying to get into the scene :)

submitted by /u/HBONick
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How does someone wanting to get into the scene learn about local shows and stuff?

I’ve been wanting to get into the goth scene for a while but due to controlling parents I wasn’t able to until I recently moved out. That being said how would y’all recommend someone from a smaller town find the local goth community?

submitted by /u/Archmonarch27
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Reddit’s Goth Community